Operations Execution

Operations Excellence Is The Foundation For Building Competitive Advantages

A must read book!

This book is a treasure if one wants to improve operational excellence leading to increased product availability, sales, services, product quality, cash flow, and profit.

Stafford Petersen

Operations Execution

Hands on Knowledge

With the authors’ hands-on experience, this book discusses how to become a best-in-class operation in execution excellence, sales and operation planning, warehouse management, production management, and procurement excellence.

Christopher D. Williams

Focus On Operations –They
Account For Two-Thirds Of
Company Costs!

On the “Best Operations Management Books of All Time,” and also nominated one of the “Best Operations Management Books to read in 2025” a list recommended by CNN, Forbes, and Inc, BookAuthority. Recommendations from Jeff Bezos, Robin Sloan, Nigel Mk Chanakira, Ron Shalit, Business Week, The New York Times, Financial Times, and 15 others. BookAuthority is the world’s leading site for book recommendations.

Throughout this book, we explain how all operations departments must harmonize with the whole process to achieve operations execution excellence

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Note: Due to the changing trading relationship between the UK and EU, the books may be unavailable for sale and delivery to Iceland and Ireland from the UK (go to Amazon.de or Amazon.com).

Here are 10 things you’ll learn from this book

Best-in-class sales and operation planning techniques (S&OP).

A company’s major cost occurs in operations.

Arrangements to increase cash-flow.

Continuous improvement focuses.

Establishing industry-leading procurement systems through improved negotiation powers, supplier management, and quality control, among other focuses.

Best in class warehouse management.

Best in class production management through overall equipment effectiveness focuses (OEE)

How to design, control and manage the deployment planning.

How to reduce throughput time, optimize the cash-flow cycle and the credit and debit terms.

Establishment of a robust key performance indicator system.

…. and much more

Praise for Operations Execution

Great Value!

The book emphasizes that
effective sales and operations planning is fundamental to a business’s success. A unified
plan combines sales, services, marketing, finance, and
operations best practices to
build competitive advantages. Without well-developed and
unified sales and operation
planning, a company cannot
build effective sales cultures.
The book provides a
straightforward explanation of operations management.

Samuel Dias

Great book on Operations Execution Excellence

The book systematically
discusses the factors that help companies achieve best-in-
class performance in
operations execution
excellence, sales and operation planning, warehouse
management, production management, and
procurement excellence.

Beason Wright

Uncovers the True Value of Operations Execution

This book makes the reader
realize the true value of
operations execution

Alan Meyer

The Best Read on Operations Management

There is no better book to
explain the importance of
operations execution
excellence than this one.

Courtney McCormick

The book is new, so we await more praise from targeted readers.

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Note: Due to the changing trading relationship between the UK and EU, the books may be unavailable for sale and delivery to Iceland and Ireland from the UK (go to Amazon.de or Amazon.com).

Readers Reviews for Operations Execution

(Click the link to write a review)

Great Value!

April 14, 2023

The book emphasizes that effective sales and operations planning is fundamental to a business’s success. A unified plan combines sales, services, marketing, finance, and operations best practices to build competitive advantages. Without well-developed and unified sales and operation planning, a company cannot build effective sales cultures. The book provides a straightforward explanation of operations management.

Samuel Dias

Uncovers the True Value of Operations Execution

April 9, 2023

This book makes the reader realize the true value of operations execution excellence.

Alan Meyer

Video About Operations Execution

Here are a few more details
about the book

The focus of this book is to provide the reader with concepts and approaches that facilitate “operations execution excellence.” It is alarming to witness how many companies do not focus on developing their operations strengths to their maximum extent as part of their overall sales and services system.

Operations make up the majority of the costs in sales and manufacturing companies –they account for two-thirds of company costs! But, more importantly, every dollar saved in operations is a dollar earned.

Throughout this book, we explain how all operations departments must harmonize with the whole process to achieve operations execution excellence.

The book emphasizes that the fundamental component of achieving operations execution excellence is developing unified planning that integrates sales, marketing, procurement, manufacturing, transportation and warehousing, and finance to maximize consumer, customer, and enterprise benefits.

By incorporating hands-on experience, this book discusses how to improve operations execution, sales and operation planning, warehouse management, production management, and procurement.

This book emphasizes that operations execution excellence is the foundation for building competitive advantages. Thus, for any organization to achieve sustainable growth, operations execution excellence has to be in place.

Operations Execution

Get Your Copy of Operations

Note: Due to the changing trading relationship between the UK and EU, the books may be unavailable for sale and delivery to Iceland and Ireland from the UK (go to Amazon.de or Amazon.com).

Operations Execution
Download Chapter 1 of The Book

Other books written by
Baldur Gudgeirsson

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